
Monday 30 April 2012

Other Causes of Schizophrenia.

According to the experts in this field, the causes of schizophrenia are not identified yet. There are different ideas or opinions present by some researchers to relate the causes with schizophrenia, as stated above:

 §  Biochemical disorder 
It is in the brain which is neurotransmitter produces too much chemical called ‘Dopamine’. 
The excessive level of dopamine results sensory stimulation and nerve impulse firing in very high mode and consequently to multiplicity of thoughts and altered perceptive levels. 
Person who suffered with biochemical disorder develop schizophrenia 
without having life stress and so on.

§  Genetic factors,  
Schizophrenia can run in families, where,  if one parent has the illness, 
the chances of one of the children inherent this disorder 4-5%.

§  Environmental influence 
It can trigger schizophrenia for example, severe event nature like death of family member, financial loss, failure in exam, divorce, job loss, post-natal disorder and others.

§  Failure in family interactions  
and dynamics result unhappy or violent childhood and lead to poor capacity of mental adjustment in this disorder patient.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Part of brain effect by schizophrenia

credit to:
Many brain regions and systems operate abnormally in schizophrenia, including those highlighted above.

Signs and common features showed by patient with schizophrenia.

1. Always shift from one topic discussion to another topic that completely unrelated without realized it that they making illogical sense in conversation.

2. Difficult concentrate on work, studies and social relationship.      

3. Disturbance in sleep rhythm, often not sleeping for days. 

4. Disorganizing speech and behavior, laughing to oneself
    without obvious cause.

5. Sitting in one position for hours or day.

6. When the patient is alone, feels that he can hear hallucinated voice talking about him. 

7. Then, starts talking himself, making conversations and 
    gestures with imaginary people. 


8. Imaginary and visual hallucinations, seeing non-existent things or people,
    sometimes feel the imaginary image wants make them fearful.

  9. Tend to become suspicious towards relatives, neighbors and friends and feels
    that all ganged up to against him.


 10. Become disorganized person in appearance, stops taking bath,
      and looking unkempt.


11. Feel somebody controlling him, spying him or everybody can read and hear his thought.